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3 types of brushed metal sign letters for classy logo signs

Posted on November 12, 2011 | Posted by Murray Johns

Brushed metal sign letters are an attractive way to enhance the professional look of a logo sign.  Depending upon the desired "look" for the finished sign (and also depending upon budget), we regularly recommend and use three different types of brushed metal dimensional letters.

brushed metal sign letters and logo to create lobby sign

On the high end are fabricated metal sign letters ... shown below as a combination of brushed stainless and polished stainless pieces to create an exterior dimensional logo sign.

brushed metal fabricated stainless dimensional logo

Another option is to use "flat-cut" metal sign letters that are cut out of a solid sheet of metal (aluminum, brass, stainless steel, etc.) ...

 brushed aluminum flat cut dimensional letters

Athird option is dimensional letters using a metal laminate on a backing material such as the blue acrylic in the "G" below or like the high density black foam used to create a nice color contrast for the COSTA letters ...

              dimensional letter: brushed metal laminate layer on acrylic backing brushed metal letters: laminate on black foam backing

Using brushed metal letters and logos will create a highly professional and contemporary look to your interior lobby sign - ready to look at options? 

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