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A blog dedicated to custom commercial signage, vehicle wraps and graphics, and business signs of all kinds!

5 Points to Consider When Designing a Vinyl Banner for Your Business

Posted on July 30, 2013 | Posted by Murray Johns

custom vinyl banner is an excellent and cost-effective way to reach your target audience — as long as you know what you're doing. Unfortunately, too many businesses don't put much thought into their banners, and therefore don't maximize their results. In order to get the most bang for your buck, here are five questions that you should ask yourself when designing a banner.

Window banners truck banners for advertisingWindows and the sides of vehicles can be used for temporary vinyl banner advertising

  1. What's the banner's purpose? - Are you hoping to generate leads, promote an event or announce a sale or special? Be sure that any vinyl banner you create clearly conveys the message that you're trying to send to your audience. Also ensure that it provides the information audience members will need to respond to it, such as a phone number and web address.
  2. Where will you place the banner? - Typically, vinyl banners are located in high-traffic areas where consumers can only catch a glimpse as they drive by. Because of this, it's important to keep your message short, concise and easy to read as well as remember. This will elicit the highest response rate.
  3. How is the lighting? - If lighting is poor, it's wise to use contrasting colors, like a yellow background with red lettering. You may also considering using reflective vinyl so that street and car headlights will illuminate your message after sundown. 
  4. What's the best size for your banner? - Can your banner be read from far away? A vinyl banner on a stage, for example, should have letters large enough to be seen clearly from the back row.
  5. Is there a call to action? - Good outdoor advertising with a vinyl banner will inspire your audience to take action. Prompt them to "call now" or come in for a "limited time offer." A sense of urgency yields better results.

 vinyl banner business grand opening

A vinyl banner is an effective temporary sign for announcements such as a grand opening

Are you ready to design your vinyl banner? Contact the signage experts at 12-Point SignWorks in Franklin, Tenn.

Request a FREE  custom quote!

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