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A blog dedicated to custom commercial signage, vehicle wraps and graphics, and business signs of all kinds!

How Well Do You Know 12-Point SignWorks?

Posted on October 29, 2014 | Posted by Kris Williamson

We've been in the community for almost six years, but how well do you really know 12-Point SignWorks? Let's start by explaining our name! The '12-Point' refers to a "personal set of guiding principles" that our owner, Murray Johns, learned when he was a Boy Scout. Those guiding principles stuck with him in life. To this day, they represent the person that he strives to be and also the characteristics our entire team adheres to as we work together and with our customers.

As our website states: You can count on 12-Point SignWorks to operate with integrity, to be trustworthy, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, lawful, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and respectful.

Integrity - we are honest in our dealings with others and always strive to be fair in the value of our products and services

Trustworthy - we protect our customers' information with confidentiality, and we do what we commit to do

Helpful - we go the extra mile to make sure our customers' experience working with us is both pleasant and constructive

Friendly - we enjoy our customer relationships and look forward to seeing our customers smile in each interaction

Courteous - we acknowledge differences of opinion without contention and strive for win/win outcomes

Kind - we live according to the Golden Rule and treat others the way that we want to be treated

Lawful - we help our customers understand zoning ordinances, and we honor the protection of copyrighted materials

Cheerful - we uplift those around us and leave them glad to see us rather than glad to see us go!

Thrifty - we are careful in our usage of materials and our time to avoid waste and to provide cost-effective services and products

Brave - when persuaded to deviate from these principles, we maintain our position and hold fast

Clean - we do not engage in projects that promote products or services requiring proof of age to purchase

Respectful - we acknowledge our customers' schedules and do not compromise their trust in the quality of our products

Now all of that can get a little wordy in business signage, so you may be wondering what we use as a constant daily reminder of these principles. One way is by looking at the writing on the wall. By wall, we mean our bathroom wall! (TMI?) When we moved into our new space, we installed a wall graphic in one of our bathrooms that lists our twelve guiding principles. Even when just passing through, it becomes a quick reminder of one or even all twelve of the principles.

Sample of the guiding principles for 12-Point SignWorks.A sample of the wall graphic with our twelve guiding principles.
We don't want to show too much!

If you are still reading this :), we also are reminded by our logo. The compass face in our logo represents all twelve characteristics. We recently updated the brandmark of our logo, changing the obvious lines of a compass to a circular collection of twelve dashes. Within the new circle, the '12.' also represents those principles. As a team, we see the logos on a daily basis. The guiding principles keep us focused on who we are and serve as a catalyst for our long-lasting relationships with our customers and our future success within our field.

Original compass of 12-Point SignWorks.The original compass design for 12-Point SignWorks.

The new brandmark for 12-Point SignWorks.The new compass style that we are incorporating into our new space!
New style, same meaning. 

Do you have any questions about the principles that serve as the foundation of our business? Please let us know in the comment section! Don't forget - we can take the principles that make up your business and turn them into business signage that can be creatively displayed...even in a bathroom!

Need indoor office or business signs? Contact us for a free consultation!  

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