Given the upscale clientele to whom Holloway Painting caters, a primary goal in the development of the company's new van wrap design was to convey an immediate impression of professionalism.
First pass at the van wrap design and logo design
The company has traditionally used a simple clip art design for business cards and website graphics, but owner Scott Holloway was interested in something new and unique. Scott was interested in using blue colors as a predominant theme, and we used somewhat of a simplistic, retro look with some subtle texture patterns. The first concept layout used a "swirl" of the three primary colors shown as drops of paint (above). Feedback indicated that the paint drops looked too much like balloons and didn't clearly communicate the company's service.
Second revision proof for the van wrap design with two more logo design options
Through the course of the design development, we came up with two additional logo design options shown in the wrap proof above: a color fan (used on the sides of the van); and, a three-color paint bucket design (used on the hood and rear).
Because the word "painting" as shown in blue color tones in the proof above didn't "pop," we looked at other color options to ensure that consumers would more easily identify the wrap advertising with a painting service.
Color options as part of the logo design development process
The final result of the wrap design effort? See for yourself in the completed pics below!
Holloway Painting's new van wrap installed and ready to roll!
Van wrap rear: notice the perforated window wrap vinyl and the QR code for smart phones (the code is used with a smart phone app to go directly to the company's webpage)
Needing some creative assistance to develop your own company's new van wrap design? Call us for a free consultation! If you're looking for a painting company that services Brentwood TN and the surrounding areas, contact Holloway Painting at 615-310-0222.
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