For our latest Project of the Week, we partnered with Simpson Housing for one of their luxury residential apartment complexes. We got to combine architectural and classic experiential design elements for their new branded signage. We’ve created directional signage and decorative architectural panels at another Simpson Housing location, SkyHouse Nashville. This time we had a much bigger job on our hands at Dwell at McEwen - right down the road from us! We enjoyed flexing our signage muscles on this project. From heat-set vinyl graphics on textured surfaces to new outdoor architectural signage, the results really freshened up the place!
Updating the Old
Every once and a while, it’s time for building signage to get a facelift (especially exterior signage), which is essentially what we gave Dwell at McEwen. Out of 17 separate projects completed, 13 were for updates to existing signage. Of those 13, four were on the exterior of the Leasing Office. In addition to the address and “hours” signage, we also refreshed the curved roof sign with new vinyl decals. Our team also updated the illuminated sign outside the main building with the new decals. The change was subtle, going from a lower case “d” to a capital “D.” Several signs across the property also had their “D” decals freshened up with new vinyl graphics.
It may seem like a “little” thing, but the updated graphics to a capital “D” stand out pretty well across the property.
One of the most significant changes outside the leasing office would be the heat-set custom vinyl on the brick column. We removed the panel signage and streamlined the look with the full wrap around the brick column.
We freshened up the brick column in front of the Leasing Office with heat-set custom vinyl.
New custom vinyl graphics on an acrylic panel refreshed the concierge desk. We updated the cabana sign panel, shower sign panel, and spa and pool rules signs in the pool and spa area. These new signs ranged in size from 17.5” w x 15” h up to 36.5” w x 49.25” h and were fabricated with 3mm aluminum panels and digitally printed vinyl graphics. An updated mail center sign, directional signage for apartment numbers, and the signpost for New Resident Parking round out the updates we completed on Dwell’s existing signage.
We enjoyed working with Simpson Housing on this signage update throughout the DWELL at McEwen property.
Bringing in the New
The most notable new signage we fabricated for Dwell would have to be the new entrance sign. We used a 120” w x 38” h x 4” d custom powder-coated aluminum box and white acrylic lettering mounted to the panel. The completed entrance sign stands out beautifully in front of the luxury apartment homes. Our installers used brackets and masonry anchors to ensure the new sign followed the curve of the existing brick wall.
The new entrance signage we fabricated is an elegant and stately touch for the DWELL at McEwen luxury apartment homes.
You don't have to replace your signage entirely to update your business exterior. There is a wide range of experiential design and signage options that we can customize to fit your needs. We would love the chance to feature your new business signage in a future Project of the Week!
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