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12-Point SignWorks' Signage Projects Of The Week

Habitat for Humanity Williamson-Maury Gets an Advertising Wrap!

Posted on May 11, 2015 | Posted by Kris Williamson

Good people helping good people helping good people. That's my motto for this Project of the Week (PoW) post. We are lucky to have the Nissan North America (NA) Corporate Headquarters in our beautiful city of Franklin, TN. Well, the company doesn't just make vehicles. They also have a philanthropic division that does some pretty fantastic work. That work often involves their vehicles, and this time it involves a Nissan NV 2500 HD High Roof Cargo Van. So to stick with my motto, Nissan NA is the first of the good people.

You may remember when we wrote about an advertising wrap for Habitat for Humanity of Greater Nashville back in September 2014. This PoW tells a similar tale for a different affiliate: Habitat for Humanity Williamson-Maury. Nissan NA once again came through with an awesome donation. They donated the Nissan NV2500 to Habitat for Humanity Williamson-Maury, and we had the honor of installing the wrap for them. 


For those of you who don't know, Habitat for Humanity is a faith-based charitable group with the vision that everyone should have a decent place to live. They work to bring people together to build homes, communities and hope. (I've participated in a number of builds, and the work that they do is powerful and life-changing!) With more than 1,400 affiliates in the United States, we are lucky to have one right in our own county. Habitat for Humanity (and specifically the Williamson-Maury affiliate) is the second good people of my motto for this blog. The people behind this nonprofit are nothing but good...great...and pretty fabulous. 

Now let's get back to the advertising wrap for their donated Nissan NV2500. Habitat for Humanity Williamson-Maury brought us the design file, and we formatted it to the NV2500 High Roof template. Just as we started printing it on our HP Latex 360 64" Wide Format High Production Printer, Habitat for Humanity contacted us to make a little change. They wanted to add the Williamson-Maury location as well as the affiliate's website to the design. With two amazing vans on the road in Middle Tennessee, it only makes sense to specify the affiliate on this one!

Because the design was already printing, we decided to add the Williamson-Maury designation and the website to the wrap using second surface cut white vinyl. When you look at it, you can't even tell its not part of the actual printed material.



We actually installed perforated window vinyl on the rear windows and the window on the passenger side of the van. The perforated vinyl has thousands of tiny micropunctures that allow the driver to see out of the vehicle even though the design continues on the outside.

Unless you were sitting on top of the van (which we do not promote or recommend!), you would have no idea what color the van was when we received it. Would you be surprised if I told you it was midnight garnet? Because of the dark color, our team did a fabulous job of wrapping all of the little details to make sure that every section of paint was covered. 


Check out the detailed work on this hinge! You can see all of the wrapped hinges in the photo above showing the entire rear of the van. 12-Point has a seriously talented team!

With the previous van we wrapped for Habitat for Humanity of Greater Nashville, the original color of the van was white. That blended well with the wrap design so details like hinges didn't really matter. Since we are all about the details, it mattered to us on this one.

We can't wait to see this van on the road and out on the build sites! We know that it will catch a lot of attention and hopefully increase the amount of donations and volunteers for Habitat for Humanity Williamson-Maury. If you are interested in getting involved with this amazing organization, there are a number of events going on right now! The Women Build in Fairview, TN is currently happening with a completion date and dedication scheduled for June 20. There also is the Hammers and High Heels event coming up on June 25, which also supports the Women Build. If you can't attend one of these events, there are always opportunities to donate and get involved in other ways. You can check them out by clicking here. Doing so will help the final good people of my motto: the people impacted by the work of Habitat for Humanity. 

Looking for an advertising wrap for your business? Contact us to get started!

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